Val Lynn
Valerie Lynn is an experienced aviation business advisor and Flight Instructor, a domain name investor and a hobby artist.
Valerie Lynn is the CEO of Skymax, a South Florida Aircraft Management and Aviation Business Advisory. Recognized locally as an expert in Air Charter Compliance and Flight Operations as well as Aviation Business Administration, she helps her Clients expand their air carrier operations and streamline their flight operations.She holds a Commercial Pilot certificate, a Flight Instructor certificate, a BS in Biology from Salem College and has completed all coursework toward an MS in Cellular Biology.As a Flight Instructor, she trains Commercial Pilots, conducts Flight Reviews and trains the spouses and partners of General Aviation Pilots who want to take a more active role in the cockpit but don't want to become pilots themselves.When not working, she loves writing, creating stained glass windows, small pottery pieces and laser-engraved wood signs for her friends and family.Have a project? Get in touch!
Persist. Keep Going.
#advice #businessadvice #motivationThat first real obstacle... the first Client, Vendor or Person who knocks you down so hard you wonder if you'll survive it, the UNsettling in of overwhelm and fear as you wonder if you really have to learn all of these different processes and administrative rules while growing your core competencies, the realization that a better mousetrap does not mean people will flock to your door (but LOOK! It does xyz so much better!), the money - where is it going to come from, WAIT - where did it all go?!There can be so many challenges that make where a person's been in Life look so much better than where they want to go.Persistence in the face of these challenges is important if for nothing else but the learning of persistence itself.Persist until you are certain of your course of action. Persist as the shadow of fear walks the recesses of your mind.Persist as the idea you tried to bring to market doesn't quite get there in its current form and you learn to iterate.Persist as you refine your offering and the presentation of that offering.KEEP GOING."The Learning Of It" is, for many of us, more important than any other lesson.Thursday • April 18 2024 • Val Lynn
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